I can handle anxiety today
With a pill and a sip of water.
It comes from nowhere
And has little reason to exist. Yea, I worry about this and that,
The bomb and global warming,
Without thinking, concentrating,
Like a deer in summer hiding
Its does though hunting season
Is an unrealizable future.
I like to think that all is well —
I mean the essential things,
From family to home and work —
I could explain why I’m right.
Then why is everyone so angry?
I refuse to recite the reasons.
They are invisible chimeras
Of fear, corpses of inconsequence.
A few mad apples, rolling, legless,
Without sense or innocence,
Which won’t die before they rot.
What we used to call ideas
Are now ravenous ouroboros.
Oh, such satiety in aggravation!
Parallel lives will never meet.
They walk on a different street
Though both are equally fleet. Perhaps at the vanishing point
They will end, a dovetail joint,
That nothing can pull apart,
Not a hawk, nor a work of art,
For there’s no change of mind
Can allow thoughts to unbind.
All, futile conjecture.
(Is the math of parallels pure?)
Lives do cross, were meant to,
But in sum they are so few.
So many hearts do not reach,
Not even trying, each to each.
Rolling, rolling like train wheels,
None knowing what others feel,
Each of us made of flesh and steel.
The High Council, Sonnet #335
The high council deliberates in me,
Thirty-one wise morons who can't agree
Without a nod from their presiding lord,
Who's typically obliviously bored.
The peasantry shout in at the windows,
The scholars and lawyers from the cheap seats.
The aides are soft and unprincipled cheats,
And women left the chambers long ago.
I think never has indecision been
So richly rewarded, as conscious sin
Is rationalized in the name of change.
A vote is taken, the benches arranged
Again to reflect the switch of leaders,
Which elevates sixteen bottom-feeders.
The Red Jester
“Now, my dears, keep watching the ace.
My favorite card — it has no face
And just one itty bitty heart.
Hee, hee! It can’t squeak out a fart
The way the queen of spades
Will call to her some dainty maids
To please her king of diamonds
With one who has a showbiz mons.
Now, see? Your lazy eyes don’t peel
On the ace! It has disappeared!
Where’d it go? It’s as I feared,
Some joker has stolen the deal.
Why, that’s me! I rule the whole deck.
Every card’s at my call and beck!”
King Hobgoblin Sleeping
I found a hobgoblin in my back yard,
With a possum pillow under his head,
Asleep, surrounded by a thousand kin
Standing in ranks, his imperial guard.
A cricket on a string droned by his bed
Of crepe tucked under his majesty's chin.
His crown (a fool's cap) and truncheon scepter
Were all he owned that made him emperor.
They cast his grandeur and his power spells.
His minions, one by one, exhausted, fell,
Near death, and groaning hauled each other up.
I shouted, "Wake thee! Or you'll interrupt
Your sire's sleep!" Then they all disappeared,
Leaving possum to chew the old hob's beard.
The Trojan Horse (Tiepolo)
The painter doesn’t clearly show a single face
In the starving, struggling, victory-mad crowd.
The men inside the horse could be laughing out loud
Without fear of being heard above the fracas.
The Trickster proclaimed that the genius of his scheme
Was revealed to him in a post-debauchery dream
By a god who refused to say its name or sex,
But who had addressed the Trickster as Regent Rex.
(An error in speaking T never repeated.)
“Do this,” said the god, “and All will be defeated.”
In later years, faced with sirens and a cyclops,
He’d beg that faceless god for more brilliant guidance,
Since his own soldiers, as fighters, proved hopeless flops.
He returned to his wife with a bow and split pants.
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