Thursday, February 6, 2020

The Gray Tree (Piet Mondrian), Sonnet #497

My book of the first 200 of these sonnets is now available for purchase. Click here:
My Human Disguise.

The ice storm lasted for 36 hours
And coated each tree limb an inch thick.
Workers couldn’t climb collapsing towers
And three hundred thousand clocks ceased to tick.
The trees crumpled beneath the weight and ripped
The power lines from transformers and poles.
Each overloaded circuit breaker tripped.
Without heat we hid in our beds like moles.
Two days later the sun melted the glaze.
Our yards and streets turned pool and rivulet.
The next day a warm wind and hotter blaze
Blew everything dry before the sun set.
The lights came on and normalcy returned.
That spring a million limbs were trimmed and burned.

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