Thursday, May 21, 2020

Woman With A Lute (Johannes Vermeer), Sonnet #512

We saw the rise and fall of melody,
The tuning and detuning of a tone,
Rhythms sprung then stretched like jackhammer beats
And lyrics wrenched, all rhyme, no prosody.
We’ve returned to beating skin with a bone
And symphonies are nothing but repeats.
Once lovers were courted by serenade —
The woman in her boudoir with a lute,
Her suitor in the garden with a flute —
Notes intertwining before they must fade.
Music was a language then, not sound,
The tracing of a portal to the heart,
How emotions given voice were found
Not mortal, but a becoming of art.

My book of the first 200 of these sonnets is now available for purchase. Click here: