Thursday, August 13, 2020

Comet NEOWISE (Veronica Doland, NASA), Sonnet #525

Thick dusk air and city lights occluded
Our vision and the comet went unseen.
(Ignorance is easily deluded
When what will be is only what has been
And the knowing is only a guessing.)
Long ago I’d have thought it a blessing:
I stood upon a high rock and chanted.
Crickets, night-wings and big cats descanted
In harmonies I sang louder to drown,
As the comet thrashed in the slow river.
I danced, daring not to look up, but down.
O, flying light of the night, O, Giver
Of tomorrow, because tonight you take,
I pray to you for my only sun’s sake.

My book of the first 200 of these sonnets is now available for purchase. Click here: